3808 – Three Toxic Redheads – Amanita muscaria Soft pastel on pastel paper 8.5 x 11 inches, framed SOLD One of the most colourful of the fungi family, these mushrooms are beautiful but can be deadly bearing a powerful toxin. It grows in woodland and heathland on light soils among birch, pine, or spruce. It is a fungus that often forms mycorrhizal associations with birch, but also other trees. Fly Agaric mushrooms, also known as Amanita muscaria are the classic red toadstool with white warts seen in cartoons. The species grows in boreal forests during the fall across Canada and the United States, and are very common and very poisonous. Share and...
Read More3762 – Undercover Oil on Canvas 10 x 8 inches, Unframed SOLD Inspired by a photo taken many years ago, this whimsical painting brought a smile to my face. Once the toadstools were complete, something felt like it was missing. The idea of adding the mouse came to me and completed the visual story. Share and Enjoy...
Read More3594 – Toadstools & Fireflies SOLD Watercolour & Soft Pastel 5.5 x 9 inches, Framed “I enjoy painting small and intimate scenes from nature like these two toadstools growing out of an old cedar stump. Walking in the woods, we often miss these beautiful creations of nature.” Click here to view photo that inspired the painting. Share and Enjoy...
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