Make visible what, without you,
might perhaps never have been seen.

Robert Bresson, French Film Director, 1901-1999

Get in Touch with Wendie

If you would like to be advised about new work, upcoming shows and events, to view original artwork, make purchases or if you have any questions or comments, please send Wendie a message using the secure contact form, email directly to or call 705-646-3663. Artwork PRICES available upon request.

Purchases can be made by VISA, MASTER CARD, DEBIT, AMERICAN EXPRESS and DISCOVER cards.

Payment Plan options are available. Please contact Wendie to discuss. 


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Artist’s Statement


“At my easel, my deep concern for our planet informs my paintings. The sight of a windblown Jack Pine, the twisted weave of tree roots in the forest, wildlife in their natural habitat, a brilliant sunset or sunrise over a placid lake, a cascade of rushing water over giant boulders provide the emotional triggers that inspire my work as an artist.”

Visit my online store at

Heron’s NEST Studio Gallery

Purchases of artwork & books by Wendie Donabie support 
the wildlife rehabilitation work at

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Examples of My Work

Featured in shows and events across Muskoka. Learn More