2014-24 Basket of Pennies

Basket of Pennies, Acrylic on Canvas, 8 x8 inches, Copyright Wendie Donabie 2104

2014-24 Basket of Pennies


8 x 8 inches

Acrylic on Canvas

Copyright Wendie Donabie 2104

Basket of Pennies was created for the Grandmothers to Grandmothers, Penny Tree Pottery Sale. Proceeds of the sale went directly (through the Stephen Lewis Foundation) to support African Grandmothers raising children orphaned by Aids.

In this painting I depict an African Grandmother, carrying her infant grandchild and a basket of Canadian pennies, walking into the bright sun, with her heart filled with hope for the future.

From 2011 to the spring of 2014, Grandmother to Grandmothers Muskoka raised over $17,000 from pennies donations and sale of items incorporating of pennies alone. 90 cents of every dollar go to African grandmothers.

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